[ sang woo gazed at her with a violent hunger mixed into his eyes , breaths slow and steady as he assessed the situation at hand. there was currently only three of them left in the games — with one last game to be played the following day. it was all or nothing in these final hours , every moment mattered for success. ]
[ gi - hun was already fast asleep in one of the beds , leaving the two awake. the other player had been injured after the glass game , and sang woo was aware of that. he had noticed their limps and struggles to move ever since that game. he knew she was hurt , and knew that she wouldn't be able to play her best at the next game. he also knew how stupidly empathetic his best friend was , and how he would most likely rush to do an idiotic decision as the morning comes. but sang woo wouldn't let that happen. he wouldn't let all this pain and suffering go out for nothing ]
you're going to die either way with your state. but i can help relieve your suffering quicker. [ the older player offered , twirling the steak knife in his palms as his gaze remained fixed on the other. his eyes were focused , akin to a predator looking at prey. ] do you have any final words ? [ he asked , slowly inching closer towards her. ]