
Umm. Okay, how about favorite genre of books.


@TalatheWolf I say we both say thank you, both feel awesome when the other says it, and them we can find another topic to talk about.  Thank you very much for being the awesome writer you are by coming up with such an amazing book and responding back to me.  Most authors I know don't do that,  and if they do and I respond back, they never write anything more than 'keep reading and enjoy'. 


Okay, I can agree with that :) so thank you for being such an amazing person by taking time out of your day to respond to me not just once, but numerous times. I'm grateful to have readers such as yourself! Most readers only put a simple 'you're welcome', so I'm always thrilled when I find those like you.
            P.s. You pick the next topic :p


@TalatheWolf I am enjoying the book very much thank you. And thank you for taking the time to write this out.  Not very many authors do that, and it is very much appreciated.


@ss11bb no, THANK you for taking the time to answer me! I'm glad you're enjoying the book :)


Just wondering why people are following me, considering the fact that I haven't posted any of my small storiesmup here. Please reply and tell me why. Also, tell me if I should consider posting my own ideas on here. Thank you!


P.S. I am sorry for not being on here in a while. Life is crazy!