Hello I'm looking for an audience for my Tom Riddle Fanfic: Wands and Fireguns.
The protagonist isn't Tom for this instance but written in the eyes of our wildly colourful and imaginative Patsy Walters, whose views will probably enchant you as well!
I'm hoping you'll read it!
Lady Dominique.
Hello I'm looking for an audience for my Tom Riddle Fanfic: Wands and Fireguns.
The protagonist isn't Tom for this instance but written in the eyes of our wildly colourful and imaginative Patsy Walters, whose views will probably enchant you as well!
I'm hoping you'll read it!
Lady Dominique.
Hey! Would you like to read: Wands and Fireguns. I'm trying to approach the HP crowds that would be interested in doing so-