
If I post more on my kian lawley's secret sister book it would be done on my iPad. I will also be posting imagines and I do take requests! It will be about anything you want. Just comment on my story the boy u want, age, name, and plot and I will get it to u as soon as possible


No pressure but are you going to update the good doctor fanfic? It’s really good I hope you do!!


            Take your time! I am glad you are coming back though


@Jellybeansixthsense i hope to update soon and i took a much needed break from writing because i just had so much on my plate and i also had awful writers block but im tossing around some different ideas and will hopefully update very soon


If I post more on my kian lawley's secret sister book it would be done on my iPad. I will also be posting imagines and I do take requests! It will be about anything you want. Just comment on my story the boy u want, age, name, and plot and I will get it to u as soon as possible