
Does anyone read these? 


Ok can we like just talk about BigHit’s new boy group txt. I just watch the introduction to Yeonjun and honestly how can someone be so cute and adorable but insanely fine at the same time. I don’t get it but it’s possible. I’m so ready for this group and excited. 


3:05 AM
          Current Wig Status: Snatched
          Feeling: Drunk
          Currently Going On: feeling lied too and postcard by Troye Sivan is playing. I’m scared rn but it’s all good. I almost feel several times in the past 3 minutes but that’s great too
          That song is so good


I remember this time in winter I was walking back home from Tim Horton’s with a coffee for my mom. I slipped on some ice and I didn’t even care I was falling I made sure to save the coffee. I held it up in the air and that’s what I just did with my phone except I slipped in the bath lmao