
Hey guys, work has been a bit rough recently, so I havent had much time to write. But, that being said chapter 11 is coming along nicely. I will hopefully have up for you soon.


Heyo, don’t know if you will read this or not, but I just wanted to say thank you for writing Only Human. It may not continue, but it was a great read! Hopefully you’re okay and whatever you’re on now is great for you, otherwise, if you ever are up to update, I’ll be there! 


So I've only been able to read you're sample of Only Human but you know what, you're actually pretty talented as a writer. At least in a sense that the story was great. But I have to be completely honest, it does kinda suck that you don't have the full book up anywhere for free, not everyone can afford to buy it, no matter how cheap it is. But hey, at least it was a good read while it lasted.