Oh hey it’s been a long time. I honestly completely forgot this account existed for the longest time and then entirely forgot the login. But I’m here now! Whether that’s good or bad, I have no idea. It’s pretty wild to see things I wrote as a teenager (I am almost 23 now) getting comments as recently as a few days ago. That some of my writing has hundreds upon hundreds of comments blows me away. And to see I’ve got over 300 followers! That’s wild too. I’ve missed writing so much and I haven’t used wattpad in years, but I just may. I might go ahead and delete my current stories (all of them) to start fresh as well- maybe I’ll leave a few one shots though. Regardless, thank you all for all the support!

@sssasusaku It's nice to see that you are back. I've noticed that you already removed all your fics from your account. I really enjoyed reading your sasusaku fic called playboy, I hope you would eventually put it back up on your profile again, though of course it's your choice whether you want to or not. It's cool to hear that you might get back into writing again, that gives me hope that we might see some new sasusaku fanfics from you which would be amazing.