today is awesome <3 it was a low pain day, which I needed because I had a super bad flare-up all of last week and it was not funsies so today was super needed first day back in school after dying my hair, I got so many compliments and it was great :D tomorrow is our band's music performance assessment thingy, where we basically play for these judges and they score us, it's kinda a big deal and we've been working super hard so I hope it goes well :) how was your day?

@sstarsabovee Glad you had a good day! We don't have WIFI until tomorrow hopefully but we have mobile hotspot!

@sstarsabovee that's good :) and my day was pretty good, i was in a fairly decent mood today and we played a lot of volleyball at school. plus i found out that my project isn't due tomorrow, it's due on friday, which is good because i haven't done it yet