
heyy !
          	it’s been a while,
          	i ended up taking a really long break from wattpad for my own mental health and i’m definitely a lot better now (: 
          	so from now on i’ll be a lot more active, not completely but i will be active again ! <3


heyy !
          it’s been a while,
          i ended up taking a really long break from wattpad for my own mental health and i’m definitely a lot better now (: 
          so from now on i’ll be a lot more active, not completely but i will be active again ! <3


i’m not sure if half the people in my pms ever replied to me from like the 6th or the 5th of february ( ? ) because like my pms completely cleared out ? like did that happen to anyone else and now i’m like worried because what if i haven’t replied to anyone and they think i’m ignoring them and then i feel bad like just because i can’t see the reply i’m <\3


i feel like im rlly overthinking this but idk cuz like this keeps happening and i feel like everyone thinks im ignoring them? like i promise im not i just probably cant see it ;(