
Hello! I’m not even sure if anyone is going to take notice this but I’m in the process of writing a new story (Calum Hood fan fic) but I need some help with figuring out the background information...
          	I have a few options and can y’all please comment and tell me your opinions?
          	1.	Calum is a music teacher (although I don’t really want to write a teacherxstudent at the moment)
          	2.	Calum is in university studying business management as a requirement to get monthly payments from his controlling, rich father and to inherit said fathers multi-billion-dollar management company
          	3.	Calum is a rich casino owner with a false bad reputation of being a player when really, he wants nothing more than a family and to be in love
          	I also really want some of you to play the  character because when I have a person to go off, I write better… PM me for more information about that but at this point the only character I need to find someone for before I start writing is the main character, in other words, Calums love interest. The love interest will be female at this point, but characteristics are gender neutral so even if you identify as something else I’d be happy to use your characteristics for her. (if you’re not comfortable playing a female I’m willing to have them as being another gender) Oh and a bitchy side character of some sort… not too sure about that one yet.
          	Please, please PM me if you are even somewhat interested, or have an opinion and I’ll tell you what the story’s main plot is (the options are only a background plot, another side of the story if you will.)
          	Thank you so much, T x


Hello! I’m not even sure if anyone is going to take notice this but I’m in the process of writing a new story (Calum Hood fan fic) but I need some help with figuring out the background information...
          I have a few options and can y’all please comment and tell me your opinions?
          1.	Calum is a music teacher (although I don’t really want to write a teacherxstudent at the moment)
          2.	Calum is in university studying business management as a requirement to get monthly payments from his controlling, rich father and to inherit said fathers multi-billion-dollar management company
          3.	Calum is a rich casino owner with a false bad reputation of being a player when really, he wants nothing more than a family and to be in love
          I also really want some of you to play the  character because when I have a person to go off, I write better… PM me for more information about that but at this point the only character I need to find someone for before I start writing is the main character, in other words, Calums love interest. The love interest will be female at this point, but characteristics are gender neutral so even if you identify as something else I’d be happy to use your characteristics for her. (if you’re not comfortable playing a female I’m willing to have them as being another gender) Oh and a bitchy side character of some sort… not too sure about that one yet.
          Please, please PM me if you are even somewhat interested, or have an opinion and I’ll tell you what the story’s main plot is (the options are only a background plot, another side of the story if you will.)
          Thank you so much, T x