
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say posting is gonna be kind of weird and completely erratic since it’s summer and my only motivation is random bursts of energy so prepare for that (I may even stop using this app, who knows). Also, I’m not sure if I am going to be writing any more chapters for Living with Paradise City considering all of the prewritten chapters are published and I even wrote more to the story than was originally done. TLDR, prepare for chaos. 


Hello everyone, I just wanted to say posting is gonna be kind of weird and completely erratic since it’s summer and my only motivation is random bursts of energy so prepare for that (I may even stop using this app, who knows). Also, I’m not sure if I am going to be writing any more chapters for Living with Paradise City considering all of the prewritten chapters are published and I even wrote more to the story than was originally done. TLDR, prepare for chaos. 


So this is my first announcement and I came on here to say that I may not be posting this weekend. I will try to get my next imagine done by Sunday, but it will most likely not be done in time to upload it on Saturday. You see, I have to go my dad’s this weekend and I will sidetracked with taking care of 5 younger siblings. Hope you guys understand. ANYWAYS. Should this next imagine (it’s an Izzy one this time) be a smut, or fluff???


@raginrogue LMFAO alright then. Smut it is


izzy stradlin more like izwald stradlube 