
Sneak peak!! 
          	I let my eyes trail over the small shops as I creep trough the shadows belonging to the streets of my dusty and dirty hometown, seeking for yet another victim to steal from, one who looks easy to fool and wealthy. My eyes keep wandering around the streets when I suddenly hear quietly spoken words somewhere near. 
          	I stop and listen to what is being said and where it’s being said. My ears guide me to a small alley and when I peak around the corner, I spot two people mumbling something under their breaths.
          	I creep impossibly closer to hear what their saying. Though my mum sure did teach me not to eavesdrop. Now, I don’t want to disobey or disgrace her, but sometimes I just can’t resist wanting to overhear conversations, especially if it helps me with surviving.


Sneak peak!! 
          I let my eyes trail over the small shops as I creep trough the shadows belonging to the streets of my dusty and dirty hometown, seeking for yet another victim to steal from, one who looks easy to fool and wealthy. My eyes keep wandering around the streets when I suddenly hear quietly spoken words somewhere near. 
          I stop and listen to what is being said and where it’s being said. My ears guide me to a small alley and when I peak around the corner, I spot two people mumbling something under their breaths.
          I creep impossibly closer to hear what their saying. Though my mum sure did teach me not to eavesdrop. Now, I don’t want to disobey or disgrace her, but sometimes I just can’t resist wanting to overhear conversations, especially if it helps me with surviving.