I don't know if anyone still follows me because it's been what? 4 years, but I'm officially going to start trying to produce stories again. No promises I'll finish them, but I hope I can get there!
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I don't know if anyone still follows me because it's been what? 4 years, but I'm officially going to start trying to produce stories again. No promises I'll finish them, but I hope I can get there!
I don't know if anyone still follows me because it's been what? 4 years, but I'm officially going to start trying to produce stories again. No promises I'll finish them, but I hope I can get there!
Hey guys.. it's been a while hasn't it.. over a month... I want to apologize for not updating.. and not fulfilling all these things I wanted to do... Something happened.. and I'm going through a rough time.. and I have major writer's block... I know it's no excuse.. but I needed to let you know why... I'm just.. broken.. Besides all that, I've decided to scratch my other book ideas and I'm going to make another Aarmau book. I know I've done two, but I want to do another. It won't be based off of the last two though. Very sorry if you hoped that. It's going to be based off Emerald Secret, because I love that series so much. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to listen or read this. I'm going to try to get a new chapter of my Markiplier x Reader out either today or tomorrow. Bye guys! And thank you for the endless support!❤
Hey guys! So as you know I have three stories published right now, but I plan on making another one very soon. Besides that, I wanted to let you know that my Markiplier x Reader and You And I Can't Happen on currently on hold. This is because I am going to be ending Three Years shortly and I want to make sure that the final two or three chapters are the very best. I hope that you understand my decisions for doing this. Also, I probably will not be making a third book unless you want me to. If you want to speak with me more about it, you may message me personally and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you for your time and support. Bye! :3
@Mathea07 you're very welcome. And thank you for your support! I love it when I can talk to the people who like my stories. Like I said, if you ever wanna talk just send me a message :)
I like the profile pic
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