
 miss you


Miss you as well


Miss u too:(


Just finished reading Magnetic for the millionth time. I have never loved a book more in my life, your writing is amazing. Will forever be utterly heartbroken at the ending, yet I can’t stop myself from rereading monthly. <3 <3 


i’ve never read a book i’ve loved more than chrysalis. i told my boyfriend i wish i could have a hard cover copy on my shelf. i’m grieving now that it’s over and i already want to reread it. you’re an incredible writer and i pray someday you get with a publishing company and give us more of your talents. 


not y’all asking who Bash is like he hasn’t been in magnetic since chapter 1…


waiting for you to do a alternative chapter where ashton and harry end up together 


@stachestyles yeah I  finally remembered he is Rose's brother I'm pretty sure 


this message may be offensive
leaving comments that you hate the author or you hate the story of a fic when something upsetting happens is so incredibly rude. ESPECIALLY if you don’t have a relationship with the author. leaving comments that you hate the plot or that it was a waste of time to read is an immediate way to get blocked from my wattpad. also, it’s just fucking rude to do. i’ve dealt with this on a very very small scale the last few weeks and it has absolutely taken all the fun out of writing. i have no interest in writing another fic. i barely want to give you a final epilogue. why would i waste HOURS of my time to write something FOR FREE that people will just shit on every paragraph? 
          if you want to know why your favorite fic authors aren’t writing fics anymore, check the comment section. authors much larger than me have thousands upon thousands of comments telling them that their work is bad or they are a bad person. 
          why in the hell would we provide you free entertainment if you’re going to be fucking rude?


Honestly wattpad writer should be getting paid, and not just very their talented writing but also for the bs they put up with.


@stachestyles I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. I wish that people weren’t so rude to you or your book and the effort that you have put into it. I apologize if at any point you felt that way about any of my comments and I certainly apologize for when you felt that way in general. I’m sorry this is happening and I hope people stop attacking you and your books. <3


I just need to know if magnetic has a happy ending? I’ve read to many books without one


I feel you lmao, read chrysalis!!! 


Aw okay ty. I definitely will read it at some point but not right now… cause literally the last five books I’ve read had such a sad ending and my heart still hurts lmao


It is a great and beautiful book which is definitely worth reading and it all depends on your version of a happy ending 