
Sorry for the delay on the next chapter, it will be with you soon. Just been busy having to attend two birthdays in the same week. Hope you're all okay, you're all amazing :)


For those who have noticed, I have started doing a new fanfic. This time a walking dead one. There is no love interest though, just a father and daughter bond, or unbond in some cases. Anyways, I just thought it would be something different away from Sons Of Anarchy. I am still doing updates every Thursday for This Is...A Happy Home and there will be some additional fanfics to follow that afterwards. I just wanted to cover up any confusion. Thanks for supporting me and I love you all. You're amazing :)


P.S. Its called The Letter L. That's the name of my walking dead fanfic. I do have another one called Splinter, but that one kind of flopped. :(


Just updated the chapter Twenty Two of This Is...A Happy Home. I forgot to write a big chunk of a scene in it. I would appreciate it if you could re read this chapter to see what is new. The next chapter after the recent one is out tomorrow at 3 am. Keep smashing at life. You're all incredible :)