
;   cb  +  specify  ( optional )  ! 




and harm do you think you’re doing with that thing?


this little thing can stop klaus?  [looking unconvinced,  she gives the weapon a once-over.  still not convinced,  brown hues flicker back toward the vampire hunter.]   there’s no way.


            well ,  it’s good on incapacitating
            klaus mikaelson  ,  so it’s good enough
            for me   .    * he shrugged  ,  before 
            raising a brow  .  *   it’s a lot sturdier 
            than you might think . 


does it actually?  it looks flimsy…   and easily breakable.   


what  is  it  i  hear  about  you  making  my  brother  out  to  be  the  devil  to  my  niece?  mind  you,  her  / deceased /  father.  


            your brother was a monster , 
            rebekah  . .  there’s no need for me 
            to remind you of that   .   your mostly
            right in your implication of i shouldn’t 
            make hope’s dad out to be the devil 
            to her , especially now that’s he’s dead . 
            but  ,  that does not mean i won’t i tell
            her what her father has done  .  


if it isn’t the worlds biggest waste of space,  i’d suggest putting down that crossbow if you want me to keep playing nice :)


            what number is this  ,  kol ?  three ,
            four  ?   how many times now have 
            you died  and came back   ?   for an 
            original ,  your kind of easy to kill 
            don’t you think   ?   *  he shot back , 
            not lowering the crossbow  .  *   that’s 
            not how this is going to go  . 


i thought you were looking after them?! 


            *  he let out a sigh  ,  as he rubbed the
            back of his neck  .  his eyes glancing 
            over at her  ,  before nodding  . *  no 
            kidding  .  how do . .  how do we even 
            clean this   ?   * his hand left his neck 
            to pinch the bridge of his nose for a 
            brief moment . *  note to self . . put 
            the paint where the twins can’t find 
            it . . 


[ the sight before them included an absurd amount of paint covering much of the furniture and a decent amount of the walls ]    this—    this is a mess!    [ the girls, on the other hand, found this all very amusing, giggling and clapping ] 


; i love it ! 


‘    i’m done with this conversation .    so you can stop glaring at me with disapproval .     ’ 


she stood there standing between the office door and him. glaring at him. without a word hope then marched over behind his desk .   with a wave of her hand , the drawer opened up .  the tribrid then slammed down all the bottles in his desk .  ‘    the same reason why you drink .   it feels great in the moment doesnt it ?    not having to feel ?    being able to forget your problems .     ’    she yelled at him .   slamming the last bottle down a little harder than the rest.      ‘     i didn’t ask to be the damn loophole !    i didn’t ask for a dysfunctional family !     i didn’t / ask /   to play hero for the rest of my life .     ’    she seethed ,  now walking back to the chair .   standing in front of him .   the two of them now tense .   she knew he had also asked the twins to noice cancel the office so no one else would hear them .    but being quiet was the least of her worries right now .     ‘     don’t lecture me when you can’t quit your addiction either .      ’ 


            hope . .  * he went to speak , but when
            she had admitted to finding the empty
            bottles in his desk , his eyes narrowed . *
            why were you in my desk , hope  ?   * he 
            questioned  .  alaric had been doing good
            with his illness with alcohol until lately , 
            the stress had been getting to him and he
            turned to his old buddy .  he was what the
            world called a functioning alcoholic , he 
            seemed just like himself until you looked 
            closely enough to see that he wasn’t .  * 
            why  ! ?  why hope  ! ?  why do you seek 
            death so badly  ! ?   * he threw his hands in
            the air  , before pinching the bridge of his
            nose  .  *  just like how any other 
            supernatural creature isn’t supposed to 
            exist  ,  but they do  .   while yes you are 
            right that no one thought it was possible, 
            there’s a loophole for everything  .  * he 
            mumbled  .  when she gotten up from 
            her seat , his eyes went to look at the 
            ground  .   *   i had the twins spell the 
            door . .  this / has / to end , hope . 


‘       worry less about me & more about you saltzman .   you don’t think i notice the empty bottles in your desk   ?   or what about the late nights of you simply sulking in your office ?     don’t play the / reckless / card on me when you are also not making smart choices .     ’    she bit back .    these two were a mess .   somehow stable enough for their friends and family ,   but when it was the two of them bickering .  all the flaws came out .    ‘    then let death come !    it wouldn’t be the first nor last time .   look at me alaric ,    i’m not even supposed  to exist in the first place !   ’   she yelled and sat up straighter in the chair .   a small scoff leaving her lips as she shook her head .   in reality she was being reckless .   disobeying home more .    maybe it was the curiosity of wanting to know what permanent death felt like .    ‘     if this lecture is to simply tell me to go find a therapist ,     then i’ll gladly take my leave .     ’    standing up from her chair ,    she turned to leave ,   but found that the doors were spelled shut .    spinning around ,  her eyes narrowed at him. 