
@Limes14 i love to hear from anyone who loves or finds real meaning in my work thankyou


@stapledheart I love it because of your emotions my love, I love it because of each perfectly placed word that you use to weave a story that can make me react. I love the beauty of each syllable rolling off of the tongue and the way that you seem to always have the perfect words. I just love it.


Stranger here, don't worry, this is a common happening for me, just randomly stalking people. But I read a few of your poems and my goodness my dear, I can't even begin to be able to understand how something so gorgeous and perfect can look otherwise in the creator's eyes. Please don't dislike your writing. I love it.


Hey, I checked out all of your work. It's very good and you have amazing writing potential :) I truly do think you have talent and it'd be kind of an honor for you to read my book 100 Pages. It's filled with my poetry and id be absolutely love it if u checked out out