
Hey guys! Thank you to all that have followed me and have been reading and commenting on my Data fic. I do intend to write a sequel, but I think before that I'd like to try something else. How many of you guys have seen Deep Space 9? I might write a (shorter) Julian Bashir centric fic, but no promises. Just wanted to test the waters and see if you guys might be interested! The Data fic sequel is definitely going to happen either way. Love you guys :) 


I’d love a DS9 fan fic. 


Can you also do one with Geordi, I feel like. A. Lot. Af character development can happen there


Yes please


Hiii, I just wanted to say that I finished reading "The Experiment" and holy crap, I have no words to describe how awesome it was! I have smiled so much and just the writing for each character was beyond perfection! Please keep writing and would love it, like soooo much if there would be a sequel!!! But I loved loved LOVED your book!!!!


@Beatles_Rule hey I really appreciate this! Always great to hear that someone enjoyed my work! Thank you so much 


Hey guys! Thank you to all that have followed me and have been reading and commenting on my Data fic. I do intend to write a sequel, but I think before that I'd like to try something else. How many of you guys have seen Deep Space 9? I might write a (shorter) Julian Bashir centric fic, but no promises. Just wanted to test the waters and see if you guys might be interested! The Data fic sequel is definitely going to happen either way. Love you guys :) 


I’d love a DS9 fan fic. 


Can you also do one with Geordi, I feel like. A. Lot. Af character development can happen there


Yes please


Hey guys, thank you all so much for the kind messages! Now that I'm active again and almost finished with The Experiment, I'm debating between writing a sequel or starting a new work (maybe oneshots?) Let me know what you guys think! I'd love your input!


@star_trek4ever you have such a talent for character-building, i think one shots would be awesome! But follow your heart 


@star_trek4ever I'm all down for one-shots, personally I love the journey between making data a friend and then the struggle around his belief that without the emotion chip he can't feel or love, I'd love to read more about reader convincing him or finding other ways to make him feel. H but I love how well you keep each character's voice, so I'd be happy to read story about other characters too, data remaining my favourite lol 