Aksndjxnsknss I just read your stories. It's so unique and literally cried on some of them.
I just visited your profile a moment ago and was speechless on your followers.
You really deserve more! I hope that you will get more followers in the nearest future. Btw I really love your stories and inspired me to make mine like those in my oneshots.
Im your 42th follower><
@koiichiro WAhhh:'))) thank youuu im sorry that i cant really write anymore due to my busy schedule but i am really grateful that you love me stories and even got ya to write your own :) good luck with that! Im sure its gonna be great! Ill find the time to read yours too♡
I am ending my exams soon and ill be able to start writing again but uh i kinda got addicted to a game , Genshin Impact and Uh HAHAHA well... updates way be just as slow sorry guys ill try my best to not get too distracted after my exams but no promises heheh.
Hi there!! My friends and I are holding an anime fanfic competition called the Tsundoku Awards and was wondering if you’d be interested? The number of votes and reads don’t matter <3 <3
Check out our profile if you’re interested! ❤️❤️
Hihiii im gonna go on a hiatus till uh 5th Oct? So ill start resuming on writing the oneshots by then and hopefully able to upload a chapter next month ! Im having my exams next few weeks so heheh good luck to myself i guess ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Hihi!! Im back but i will have to take another break after a few weeks? Im not sure when exactly for my final exam of the year . Updates will be slow since im starting to prep myself for it but yeah i hope i can clear as many request as i can for yalls