
Hey, everybody. I hope you understand what I’m about to tell you. But for convenience reasons and the chance for new opportunities, I’m not posting my work on Wattpad anymore. Instead, I’m aiming for building my own website and blog and selling my work on Amazon. So, I’ll be taking my work off of Wattpad to transfer it to my website and Amazon. I know I promised you the next chapter of Royal Scale today, and I know a couple of you guys read some of the story and put in your votes (for that I thank you so much!). I’m very sorry for not being able to keep my promise, and I sincerely apologize for putting my new work out there only to take everything down. But before today, I’ve been doing a lot of research on websites and blogging, and I’ve decided that my own website and blog might provide new opportunities for me. Regardless, I’m so happy that I got the chance to write for you guys, and this doesn’t have to be the last time you see me (I might stay on the site just as a reader). If you’d like, once I get a domain name and my website is built, I could let you guys know and you could just see me and my work there! I’ll admit that this website process might take some time, and I don’t have an exact due date in mind at the moment. But if you really want to read my work and learn more about me, I’ll let you know as much information about the project as I can, because I value you as readers, and you’re a huge reason that I choose to write in the first place. So, if you have any questions for me, please let me know. I’ll be happy to answer them! 
          	<3 S.J. Ridley


Hey, everybody. I hope you understand what I’m about to tell you. But for convenience reasons and the chance for new opportunities, I’m not posting my work on Wattpad anymore. Instead, I’m aiming for building my own website and blog and selling my work on Amazon. So, I’ll be taking my work off of Wattpad to transfer it to my website and Amazon. I know I promised you the next chapter of Royal Scale today, and I know a couple of you guys read some of the story and put in your votes (for that I thank you so much!). I’m very sorry for not being able to keep my promise, and I sincerely apologize for putting my new work out there only to take everything down. But before today, I’ve been doing a lot of research on websites and blogging, and I’ve decided that my own website and blog might provide new opportunities for me. Regardless, I’m so happy that I got the chance to write for you guys, and this doesn’t have to be the last time you see me (I might stay on the site just as a reader). If you’d like, once I get a domain name and my website is built, I could let you guys know and you could just see me and my work there! I’ll admit that this website process might take some time, and I don’t have an exact due date in mind at the moment. But if you really want to read my work and learn more about me, I’ll let you know as much information about the project as I can, because I value you as readers, and you’re a huge reason that I choose to write in the first place. So, if you have any questions for me, please let me know. I’ll be happy to answer them! 
          <3 S.J. Ridley


Hey, guys! I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid I’ll have to delay Chapter 4 for next Friday. My homework pile came back to bite me over the break, and I have some catching up to do. So, if you guys are hyperventilating over the cliffhanger in Chapter 3, feel free to ask me any questions you have about me, my Royal Scale series, or my writing journey overall!


Hey, everyone! I’m afraid to tell you guys that I’m taking down the “This Is Your World” journal prompt collection. I think it’s for the best for both me and you because, if I stick to the idea of a prompt book, then I would be promoting both that and my stories. And that would not only be a strain for me, but it might also be a strain for you guys, because you wouldn’t know which one to look forward to the most. And I want you guys to look forward to my stories the most. So, on that note, I’m calling off the prompt book, but I stand by posting a chapter of my new story every Friday. It will be called “The Royal Scale Series”. I’ll give you more information about the upcoming series in future announcements. But, for now, happy Wattpadding! :)


Hey, Wattpadders! My journal prompt collection, “This Is Your World!”, is up and ready for reading (and typing)! I posted the very first prompt last night! And I just posted today’s prompt if you want to take a gander at that, as well! Feel free to gaze at your leisure! :-D


Hi, Wattpadders! I'm currently working on a collection of journal prompts for you guys to snack on while I work on my newest book! I will be posting these prompts every day, so you could rely on those to hold you over while you wait for new chapters on Fridays! The journal prompts are sci-fi/fantasy-themed, and they are aimed at anyone here who is sick and tired of cold, hard reality and want to spend their time in the colorful world of magic, vampires, and aliens! And don't worry, none of you will feel left out; these prompts are for readers and writers alike to participate in, both semi-nerds and all-out nerds to enjoy! So, everyone gets to have fun! At that note, esta la vista, babies!