
5 minutes


I've decided to put "Hold My Hand" on hold I know I've promised a new chapter but I have no Inspiration What so ever for that story. I also think I shoud rewrite it, still the same concept but it's moving way too slow for the actual plot so I'm going to take this time to rewrite the beggining and everything following. Hopefully by rewriting and reconstucting the story I'll find some inspiration. Thank you for being patient and amazing readers. Ily and thanks 


Okay the next thing i want to post to "Running through my head" is SUPER problematic and i'm not sure if i should post it, so let me know if you think i should post it, but i'm still not 100% sure if i will but definitely let me know! Hopefully  i will post something soon! Sorry to keep you waiting, I'm just lazy lol Well I love you all and see you soon. <3


@selena_147 you should totally post it


Chapter 9 is in the works right now! I know i suck as a writer and i take forever to update but believe me i am trying my best! honestly i'm not just trying to make excuses i just haven't had time  and my creativity has been really low and I've honestly just been too excited because i'm going to this thing in juse and I've been freaking out i'm sorry i'm ranting. soon guys soon. Love you all bye!! <3