
Hiiiiiiii loveliessss!!!!~~
          	I'm here - once again - to apologise for the delayed upcoming chapter. Don't worry, I'm working on it very diligently! I was delayed by another writing project on the side - posted on my profile as well, if you're following that story. But I'm working very hard on it, still - I have to tell you that it will take a little while to be published. But I'm going nowhere, don't worry about that! I'm not going to stop updating, it's just taking a while right now. Thank you all so very much for your patience, and you guys mean the world to me!
          	All the love from Iris! Mwah! <3


Hiiiiiiii loveliessss!!!!~~
          I'm here - once again - to apologise for the delayed upcoming chapter. Don't worry, I'm working on it very diligently! I was delayed by another writing project on the side - posted on my profile as well, if you're following that story. But I'm working very hard on it, still - I have to tell you that it will take a little while to be published. But I'm going nowhere, don't worry about that! I'm not going to stop updating, it's just taking a while right now. Thank you all so very much for your patience, and you guys mean the world to me!
          All the love from Iris! Mwah! <3


Bonjour, mes amis!!! <3
          Thank you so, SO much for being so patient with me. I'm nearly done with part one of two, from the work I've been commissioned to write. I will be posting it soon, and I will immediately get back to ALAU. I know that I've been annoyingly late with the updates, and I'm really sorry about that! Unfortunately, I'm in a really vital year of my high school, and I'm being flooded with work. [I attend a private school, and they give us a lot of work :')] This is, more or less, my apology to you all. But I promise you, I will do everything I can to write interesting and well-written chapters. Please bear with me, and if you're been sticking around for this long, I'm INCREDIBLY grateful to you. Thank you so much again! 
          Stay tuned for more, and have a great day! Love you all!! <3 <3 <3


          (Yes, I am sugar high)
          I just wanted to say that the next chapter of ALAU will be out a little later than anticipated. That's because I've been requested to do a continuation of chapter 14 of From The Sidelines, a bakudeku fic. I'll still be working on it, but it may take a little longer than usual. In the meantime, enjoy the continuation of FTS <3
          Thank you all so much, and stay tuned for more! Love you all!! <3 <3


Hey everyone! I just wanted to say, thank you so much for all your support! It means the world to me, and keeps me motivated! I don't know what I would do without all my amazing, incredible fans ❤️❤️
          Thank you all once again, and stay tuned for more!!! Love you all! Have a nice day/week =D