can i still be your editor? -kall


hmFP, i am writing you a paragraph. yOu’re testing mE- don’t even dArE think you love me more than I love you- ALSO I AM TURNING ON MY CAPS FOR THIS. *cough* anYwAy, Dear Tess, You’ve been such a sweet friend. You’re there for me and support me, even though you’re not here in real life with me. You’re so much better than everyone at my stuPId sCHool, and sweeter than my so called ‘friends.’ You actually care about me, and you make me feel wanted. Tbh, if you’re gonna continue being so sweet and adorable, wATcH me catch feelings bRo :( I get so excited when you text me- like AaAaA, wHaT dRuGs- my heart beats for you <3 I feel so cared for and feel like a genuine princess when you talk to me. You’re too good for me. You’re too amazing for my crybaby self. I connect to you in so many ways. We are both fujoshiS, and it literally makes me t o o h a p p y. Girls belong with girls and boys belong with boys. I want to hug you so bad :( like can you fly to washinton state and hug me? Love, Eli. P.S, kiss him not me is such a good anime-

@lawlietangelic ♡ awwww eli you are such a cutie i love you so much !! thank you for this it truly made my day c: tbh you are such a sweetie and you always make me smile and laugh - you truly are one of a kind and anyone would be blessed to know you uwu thank you for sticking beside me through thick and thin like - ugh i don't think people who have you in their life realize how blessed they are :(( you're such a precious jewel and i treasure you sm :)) i wish i could hug you tbh all the s h i t you go through is b u l l - you're a princess and should be treated one you precious bby :(( never forget i love you and i'm here for you ♡

here's a list in some of the fandoms i'm in ; i'm always open to suggestions !! uwu naruto , sword art online , fairy tale , yuri on ice !! , my hero academia , noragami , brother's conflict , assassination classroom , diabolik lovers , your lie in april , engaged to the unidentified , how to not summon a demon lord , voltron , itakiss , kamisama kiss , ao haru ride , the black prince and wolf girl , tokyo ghoul , high school dxd , is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon ? , maid - sama , blue exocist , yona of the dawn , black butler , from me to you , say " i love you " , the devil is a part - timer , shimoneta , attack on titans , k , food wars , parasyte , bleach , yamada's firt time , death parade , dragon ball , death note , soul eater , fate stay night , the future diary , domestic girlfriend , aico incarnation , a silent voice , your name , snow white with the red hair , junjou romantica , love stage !! , dakaretai otoko , uta no prince sama , danganronpa , kiss him not me , given , papa daitte , super lovers , haikyuu !! , vampire knight , spice and wolf , rosario + vampire , the promised neverland , prison school , ouran high school host club , madoka magica , magi , high school of the dead , darling in the franxx , dance with the devils , angels of death , kamigami no asobi , violet evergarden


there is no greater feeling in this world ;; than being a lesbian fujoshi uwu boys belong with boys i can't deny the longing in my heart - thank you for coming to my ted talk :) ♡