@UsamaRao I don't like the term feminazi, it's equating women who are asking for rights and respect and just treatment from men with genocidal eugenicists who were willing to tear the world apart in the name of racial supremacy. Unless you're referring to women who are literal nazis, which as far as I know are few and far between, then I would suggest that you shouldn't use that phrase. I do understand what you mean by it which is women who are quite extreme in their beliefs of feminism, radical feminism and honestly I have to say that radical feminist culture, while extreme and does take the wrong direction some of the time, I don't think is wholly bad.
Feminism's purpose since it was born in the 19th century and reborn again in the 20th was to end female oppression and can you really argue with that? It's changed and developed into different things over the past century, but the initial premise of it, to end that oppression against women, I fully think is a good idea because doesn't Islam work on the same principle of justice? Women are given their rights.
Feminism is controversial are even within the groups for women, you generally have two extremes; liberal which is what you see in popular culture today, and radical. I can't say that either are perfect but elements of both are quite good. I'm no scholar on feminism, just an avid reader, so if you want to find out more about it then you should research it. There's so much subject matter out there, it's up to you to read it.
I hope this answers your question, I went off on a bit of a tangent.