
this message may be offensive
update on prom to my 27 pookies: went to prom yesterday and it was shit. for starters I had a bad panic attack and a nose bleed all at the same time while trying not to cry in the bathroom for like a solid 30 minutes. then when I got out of the bathroom finally I just stayed to the side the entire time on my phone while me and my friend texted cause we legit couldn't hear each other even though we were RIGHT next to each other cause it was so damn loud. they only played bad 2014 dubstep and country music too the entire time :sob: they didn't even have food or anything, just candy and meatballs?? anyways that sucked. i got a few good compliments on my dress though at least. also i unfortunately indeed did not end up finding someone who looks like tyler galpin and dating them. (wasn't expecting too anyway though) anyways pookies prom sucks and goodbye


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update on prom to my 27 pookies: went to prom yesterday and it was shit. for starters I had a bad panic attack and a nose bleed all at the same time while trying not to cry in the bathroom for like a solid 30 minutes. then when I got out of the bathroom finally I just stayed to the side the entire time on my phone while me and my friend texted cause we legit couldn't hear each other even though we were RIGHT next to each other cause it was so damn loud. they only played bad 2014 dubstep and country music too the entire time :sob: they didn't even have food or anything, just candy and meatballs?? anyways that sucked. i got a few good compliments on my dress though at least. also i unfortunately indeed did not end up finding someone who looks like tyler galpin and dating them. (wasn't expecting too anyway though) anyways pookies prom sucks and goodbye


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prom in under two weeks. i have no date and i am so fucking nervous. im literally praying to god someone whos hot is there and we somehow end up dating (bonus points if they look like tyler galpin)


@illuesional tysm <3 my prom is tomorrow :sob: wish me good luck


but frfr im sure u'll find someone <3 and if somehow u dont, its all their loss ur amazing


if you guys find any good tyler (from the new wednesday addams show) fan fic, PLEASE give me the link. im begging you.


@ughnatsuki wait a few weeks and i think there will be a lot


@ughnatsuki i cant find any on wattpad BUT there is some on tumblr.. not much tho


@stargirldot agree send tyler ffs pls