Hey guys! So I have I'm starting a new Starkid Fanfic, and I'm super excited about it, but I can't decide who the love interest should be! Could you please do this quick 1 question survey to help? THANKS I LOVE YOU ALL! Link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9HQS8RN
Just finished reading it, oh my gosh I need to have read this earlier. I had an idea for a story a bit like this and you have now inspired me to write it. Congrats on such a great fanfic!
I LOVE AVPM, AVPS and AVPSY!!!!!! I quote it all the time and all my friends look at me like I belong in a mental hospital. I love finding people that love AVPM too!
Hey guys! So I have I'm starting a new Starkid Fanfic, and I'm super excited about it, but I can't decide who the love interest should be! Could you please do this quick 1 question survey to help? THANKS I LOVE YOU ALL! Link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9HQS8RN