
Omg guys look!! It’s me!! After...two months?? I’m gonna be completely honest when I say that I haven’t touched wattpad since February. Haven’t even open the app.
          I’m not back. I know I said I’m off of haitus but uhh...we know at this point that I’m a dirty liar uwu. I’ve managed to work through some details of my original story, as well as write the first chapter or so. I plan on writing about five chapters before releasing it, so Incase I go on another haitus I can update.
          I’ve been sick for the past few days. Respiratory tract infection. I’ve been depressed for the past month. Stressed to my wits end. Writing hasn’t been much of a priority as eating and sleeping have become a struggle. 
          I’m gonna be honest again, I was tempted to delete my stories and start anew. Over the past three years I’ve attempted to write about 9 fanfics and have finished ONE (1). I’m finishing these next two. Even if it means short bursts of chapters. Rn I’m on my computer and writing so let’s hope I actually update!!


I’m sorry guys but an update just won’t be coming for another week or so. I’m currently laid up in bed with a head cold. It’s hard to focus and I can barely breathe. I just got over a sore throat on top of it all.
          Writing is once again seeming like a chore. I’m not on haitus!! So don’t worry!! I’m just stressed about many different things, and writing is not going to help right now.
          I’m going to continue working on my original story whenever I can! Maybe I’ll get an update out soon, I don’t know. I have some planning to do. 
          So thanks y’all! Just know I’m trying my best!


@starlessboy Don't apologize for needing some time to yourself. I totally get not feeling like writing (as someone who is also laid up currently I get it doubly) If writing feels like a chore then you don't have to write. I've also noticed for me if writing seems like a chore it's because I don't want to write that story currently. Work on what you want to. Work on nothing at all. Sleep, read, get better because these stories will always be here when you get back. No one will be angry if you need some time


Get better soon, bb. You’re doing your best and we all appreciate it. Focus on yourself before your writing if you have to.


So I’m pretty sure I’m going to focus on Gallery as of late in order to get it finished. I don’t know why I’ve allowed these fanfics to drag for three years lol. 
          After I finish them maybe I’ll FINALLY write my original story. Idk what the other ones have been but I’ve given up on them since I lost all my notes.
          I probably won’t write another fanfic for awhile after these two end (until the movie comes out I guess). I haven’t gotten into any other fandom so I guess I’m lacking . Maybe I’ll finally get into Voltron and write some stuff for that.


Lost like 3 followers
          Lmao seeyah