
Hello readers and followers. I guess you've noticed I haven't posted in nearly 3 months. Recently, the world has gone into a global lockdown and I have been in isolation for about 6 weeks. This has had a huge impact on me. I know I'm in my house with food and water and neccessary supplies easily given to me and I am so thankful for that. I don't want to seem entitled or anything of the such saying this, but nights have been sad far more often than before. I've lost motivation to write and to do things I enjoyed doing before. I'm trying to build back that drive and love I had for writing by writing little letters and stories to myself and I think it's been working. My train of thought for this story has been derailed and I feel like my last few chapters have been mediocre at best. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to try and edit my chapters here and there and fix up the story. I hope you guys can understand. I know I don't have many readers on my story but honestly, even if one person is reading my stuff, I will do my best to bring my best. And recently, I just haven't been feeling my best. I love you guys a lot and I hope you guys can understand where I am coming from. I truly hope that you all are staying safe and being diligent to protect yourself and those around. Soon we will come out of isolation and have a great summer (or however much time we have left of summer).


Hello readers and followers. I guess you've noticed I haven't posted in nearly 3 months. Recently, the world has gone into a global lockdown and I have been in isolation for about 6 weeks. This has had a huge impact on me. I know I'm in my house with food and water and neccessary supplies easily given to me and I am so thankful for that. I don't want to seem entitled or anything of the such saying this, but nights have been sad far more often than before. I've lost motivation to write and to do things I enjoyed doing before. I'm trying to build back that drive and love I had for writing by writing little letters and stories to myself and I think it's been working. My train of thought for this story has been derailed and I feel like my last few chapters have been mediocre at best. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to try and edit my chapters here and there and fix up the story. I hope you guys can understand. I know I don't have many readers on my story but honestly, even if one person is reading my stuff, I will do my best to bring my best. And recently, I just haven't been feeling my best. I love you guys a lot and I hope you guys can understand where I am coming from. I truly hope that you all are staying safe and being diligent to protect yourself and those around. Soon we will come out of isolation and have a great summer (or however much time we have left of summer).


Hello my readers! I sincerely apologize for the inconveniences and delays I’ve put you through. However, I know many of the readers on wattpad are still students, and I know most of you understand how much time school takes out of you. My grades have been suffering noticeably and I need to get back on track. I need to go on hiatus for a month, to bring my ideas together and to create fantastic chapters. Don’t worry, I will have 2 chapters at the very least released on JANUARY 11, the end of the hiatus. Thank you readers for being so patient. 


Hello! The next chapter of Burned has been delayed for 1-3 days. I apologize for this inconvenience, school has taken a toll on my free time and I don’t want to whip up a mediocre chapter in 30 minutes. I hope you understand.