

                 Canterlot Secrets
            It's been over a year sense I've seen my precious home the way it was. Ever sense HE came to pass in the weakened kingdom.. It's been 6 moons sense I've seen my friends.. Now I stand here.. Alone in the darkness.. The princesses have been captured and no pony knows where they are. The brave ponies known as the mane six are no longer connected to the elements so no pony knows who can stop the dark king known as Erobus. And it's been told there's a new element that no pony knows where it is... And I carry it around my neck as no pony knows I have it.. The lost Element. And no pony knows I'm still here.. So I must do my best as to protect the element from harm so it does not fall into the hooves of the darkness.. My name is Starlight Sparkle and I carry upon my neck the lost element trying to protect Equestria from danger. From the dark King. Erobus.