
Happy eid to all muslims everywhere!!! What are you guys up to for this year? I'm visiting my relatives :D


          Chapter 1 Skipping Breakfast 
          Nobody's POV
          It was another great moring in Tarabiscovile. The sun was shinnig, the birds were singing, and our hero and leader but also best friend to Amaya and greg named Connor wasn't feeling well this morning. you see, Connor decided to skip the most important meal of the day.... BREAKFAST! 
          "Ugh, maybe I shouldn't have skipped breakfast this morning." Connor thought as he grabbed his backpack, ran down the stairs and outside to meet up wih his two best frinds.
          "Hi, guys!" Connor exclaimed while not trying to feel ill.
          "Connor, are you okay?' Amaya wanted to know.
          "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, no need to worry about me Amaya." Connor lied as he just kept on walking while Greg looked at his friend with worry.
          "Did you have a nice breakfast this morning?" Amaya wanted to know from Connor as he covered his mouth.
          "Uh, don't say breakfast please.. oh no, I'll be back." Connor told her as he ran behind the bush and started to throw up.
          "Connor, are you okay?" Amaya asked while running towards his side.
          "Uh, where's Greg?" Connor asked.
          "At school. Joe, are you okay?" Amaya wanted to know again.
          "No. I feel sick to my stomach." Connor answered.


@Disney-Cat  woah, i feel super bad for connor. Good start, but maybe he didn't throw up. Like, ok, people normally don't feel good after missing a meal, but i think his stomach would have growled when he heard the word breakfast, instead of puking
            And i think you accidentally wrote down joe instead of connor in the 2nd last paragraph


Happy *VERY* late birthday! I can't believe I missed it!


Wow mine is in march too!


@HappyPeaches12 My bday's on 7 march


@ShipQueen1231 hey when's her birthday?


Did you unfollow me?


@TaytheNerdy yea it was kind of an accident, my finger slipped... But i followed you again when i realised i accidentally pressed the unfollow button. Sorry about that