
yk  i should check their spam on insta or smt uhhh yeah hang on


Sex haha with me Krabby and squiddy 


sighhh i miss robin... shh dont tell anyone!! umm haha uh help. G 


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OMG hey i was just scrolling through here hi uhh idk what 2 say eithee...but i am REALLY, REALLY, REALLY sorry for all of those nasty things i said back in april. i said some reallt awful shit and it was really not okay. ive been wanting to apologize for so goddamn long and ive felt so guilty and i honestly miss you too!! so mayb we could try again? :D


robin if ur here PLS IM SO SORRY I DOTN KNOW WHAT TO SAY UHHH i miss you a lot and um.  ummm uh i feel. bad. like really bad and i hope u changed and i hope ur not a stinky doodoo head anymore and um haha uh what