I know I have been quiet on this site while in other sources of social media I've been quite vocal somehow Wattpad wasn't on my list of spreading activism until now. As many of you know there is a flocks of police brutality coming to light and being shown to the mass public. This isn't a rise in anything other than recognition and outrage because it would be ignorant to believe that this was a rare incident with George Floyd and not something that has gone on in the background of systemic racism, especially in law enforcement. I plead with people to listen to everyone in their community - not just the government and authority figures but the protesters, black individuals and families who have had someone taken from their lives due to the police. As a white person I must make it clear for myself and others that this can not be sitting down if you personally are not affected, if you personally are not a target. I will not stay silent on behalf of a world who pushes down people of colour for the colonizers - white people - to stay in power. It is disgusting and I have been online tearing up from the stories and point of view that had mostly been hidden since I did not try to actively look for it. To stay in my bubble so to speak. I hope with a heavy heart that justice will be served on behalf of people to the many police officers who have abused their power to kill innocent lives just on the basis of skin colour. I had to get this off my chest and broadcast it in a helpful and healthy way. Thank you if you read this even though it does not carry a torch to many others that you should look into straight afterward. I hope this gave a torch to the dark arena that is our world at the moment. Furthermore, black lives matter, black children matter, people dead and alive now, in the past and forever into the future.