
@BelieverByHeart if cnn is your major news source you're the one with the issues, not cnn. 


@starryknightz no ,I mean CNN says that they are fastest and are deliver most authentic news ,so what happened to their speed when it came to report about Muslims murder,
          	  BTW I don't want this topic to continue ,sister:) if u have any hard feelings for me ,so please split them out:)


@BelieverByHeart if cnn is your major news source you're the one with the issues, not cnn. 


@starryknightz no ,I mean CNN says that they are fastest and are deliver most authentic news ,so what happened to their speed when it came to report about Muslims murder,
            BTW I don't want this topic to continue ,sister:) if u have any hard feelings for me ,so please split them out:)


@BelieverByHeart prove it


@starryknightz one prove is name of Prophet Mohammad mentioned in old testimony chapter 5 verse 16, Prophet Mohammad is described as friend of Soloman and other proves I will In Sha Allah add in my book. e.g He will not know how to read ur write so when angel will say him" read" (in Arabic "iqra") He will say I don't know how to read.
            this is written in Qur'an that when Gabriel came to Prophet Mohammad he said him "Iqra" but Prophet said I don't know how to read.


sister, in Bible there are so many prophecies which ensure us that they refer to Prophet Mohammad , I will In Sha Allah add them in my chapter in my book " tell me where to go" , in fact in old testimony chapter 5 verse 16 Prophet Mohammad is mentioned by name" Mohammadim"