I love Melanie Martinez and rainbows. I also ship Daryl Dixon and Jesus on the walking dead. And I love any and all types of food.

I LOVE reading and writing/typing books during my free time. And if you are going to read my books, be prepared for slow updates.

•Daryl and Jesus
•Glenn and Maggie
•Rosita and Tara
•Eugene and Abraham
•Me and my fridge (this is my favorite one)

FYI~I LOVE SKITTLES and m&ms! But mostly skittles!!
  • Tasting the rainbow
  • انضمOctober 28, 2015

قصص بقلم starrynightz7
Damn Daniel بقلم starrynightz7
Damn Daniel
I slowly bring my finger to my mouth to see that drooling was on the side of it. Quickly wiping it off, I sta...
+16 أكثر
The One? بقلم starrynightz7
The One?
Figuring out to she is suppose to be a powerful vampire wasn't on the top of Vivian's bucket list. Let alone...
The Masked Artist(ON HOLD) بقلم starrynightz7
The Masked Artist(ON HOLD)
art·ist ˈärdəst/ noun a person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby. That's who I am...
+8 أكثر
3 قوائم قراءة