

Привет! Its been decades(jk), but I miss your writing a lot! Hope you would come back any sooner :( I miss your story: 'something about you', hopefully you'll update it sooner! But don't worry, it's alright if you could update it very, very, very soon since you're busy with college. 
          But! It's oky to tell us/make an announcement that you'll be quitting or not gonna continue any of your stories! (IF) so the others[I think I'm the only one;') ] would know about it 
          Thnkyu and I hope you have a great day, staryyvkoo! 


hi i hope you’re ok! thanks for your sweet message :) i’m sorry i’ve been so soo busy but i am gonna continue it ! i’m slowly building the rest of it i wanna write it all before starting publishing. i hope you (and other people) don’t mind and are still excited for it ! 
            Love youuu have a good day as well 



hii everyone, how yall doing ? I’ve just logged after months i really missed it here. loots happened since last time aka got a boyfriend hehe and uni omg. anyway about my book i’m going to update but really slow im sorry :/ BUT since it’s been a long time i’ve posted anything i thought maybe i could post the oneshot that’s been sitting in my draft for a whole year lol ? tell me what you think!! <3


@-DEARTAEKOO omg you’re so sweet stop :( Thank you for your answer, take care too! 


@-DEARTAEKOO hii !! i’m fine and you ? yeahh it’s been so long i’m sorry :( hope you’re doing ok too! 


missing Koo and Papi hours, i can't wait to write a chapter about them already IT FEELS LIKE AGES


@starryvkoo thank you for updating! 