nothing here
  • انضمApril 23, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
starrywords777 starrywords777 Jan 09, 2019 03:16AM
Guys! I am so excited for January to be over! Not only February will be here and Valentine Day with all it's after day sales, but my favorite cover person in the world will be back on the market to m...
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قصص بقلم Starry
Kpop MVs بقلم starrywords777
Kpop MVs
So... I was really bored and I was listening to my kpop playlist and I thought why don't I write stories of s...
+9 أكثر
Dear Kyle بقلم starrywords777
Dear Kyle
The letters I'm too scared to write for him. The messages that he'll never receive. The hellos he'll never he...
+9 أكثر
Cursed بقلم starrywords777
My life used to be normal. Until it all changed with one dream. It chained me. I couldn't escape. But escape...
+14 أكثر
4 قوائم قراءة