Hello, everyone reading this : ) I hope you all are doing great and continue to be the amazing people you all are. I just wanted to let you all know that I will be taking down “The Forgotten” some time this month or the next for better editing and writing new chapters. Even though it will be unpublished for a long time period because I tend to take a long time when editing (I want it to be as best as it can be), I will republish it on here as soon as I can after the chapters are at least organized and the story is almost half way done. I will be working on the outline and chapter titles some more in the meantime but this month is already looking like a busy month so I’m not counting on finishing it this month. I hope you all understand this and know that I really am sorry for all the delays (life is just hectic at the moment and my college classes aren’t helping XD ). If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Anyways, take care and have a great day❤️ ~ Olaa A. M. | @stars8time
@stars8time no problemo! And make sure to ask for help if u need any;you know I gochu!