
To all you lovely people reading this, I've just updated my first story and it would mean a world to me if you decide to give it a chance! So, don't hesitate, make somebody (well, me) happy and I could return a favour if you just ask me to♥ Love ya


          I hope I don’t bother you by asking if you could please check out my story “Painting Death” It is about Harry Styles and it involves a serial killer. I’m barely getting to the good parts, but it will be good I promise! I hope to see you around in my comments, and votes! Thank  you for your time, and if you would like to follow me I’ll definitely follow back! Have a Good day or night xx


Thank you so much for the follow ! It means so so much! If you could please check out my new book called, "Drunken Heart" , it would mean so much ! If you decide to read it, then please vote and comment xx Means so much !!


@LAANGELL It was no problem, really! Thank you so much for following me back ! I just read your story and left my honest opinions. It is truly amazing! 
            If you are willing, you can check out my book too. If no, that's okay too! :) 
            ♥ xx