So you are the flame of brilliance who wrote "Things Have Gotten Closer to the Sun". Can I just say, your story is the best fan fiction I have EVER read in the whole history of fan fiction? Not ONE of the best, but THE best.
It is so, flawlessly written, that I think it could easily be published. Even if it is a fan fic. I think if could be the ultimate step that triggers Larry coming out. What if it actually is, and Larry do come out, and everyone rejoices, but then the solar flare turns out to be real? That would be fucking amazing 'cause I'm positive this whole fandom would die happy. I know for sure that I would.
Thank you SO much for writing such a moving, mind-blowing piece of literature. I especially love your imagery of light and how you always reference it and how relevant it is. It is a /beautiful/ motif. And the way you describe Louis in Harry's eyes makes my heart ache and burn and has me feeling fuzzy all over.
You are so fucking incredible. You are the queen of fan fiction, and I fucking bow down to you. Scratch that, you're the queen of fiction in general, not just fan fiction. If I could have even an iota of your perfection, I'd die happy. I love you so much, Dominique.