
          	This past year is the busiest I have ever been. Just an FYI! The book is in the final stages. I am working on finishing all the chapters so I can release them weekly instead of making empty promises! Is anyone even still interested in the second book getting completed...?


          This past year is the busiest I have ever been. Just an FYI! The book is in the final stages. I am working on finishing all the chapters so I can release them weekly instead of making empty promises! Is anyone even still interested in the second book getting completed...?


Hey everyone! Thanks for the patience with the storyline! The second half of the book will be coming by the end of the year! Think of this like Attack on Titan season 4 being split into two haha! Thanks for the support! Updates coming sooner rather than later! ;)


Part 6 is out now! Enjoy it everyone! I also have some news on the overall book! I'm in the preliminary stages of making the book 25 parts instead of the planned 15 as I don't think I can fit all the content into just 15. Stay tuned!


@anakins0right0hand Of course! I hope you enjoy!


@starwarsanthology Thank you for the updates!