
23.7k reads on received 
          	honestly im surprised, i rarely update, it started with shitty writing(probably will end in shitty writing), and i haven’t even bothered editing anything
          	also how tf do people think, “woah this is interesting let read it” 
          	iDONT unDerStanD


23.7k reads on received 
          honestly im surprised, i rarely update, it started with shitty writing(probably will end in shitty writing), and i haven’t even bothered editing anything
          also how tf do people think, “woah this is interesting let read it” 
          iDONT unDerStanD


y’all gonna hate me- sozzle 
          it’s been so long since i updated anything, but i have been working on a few stories alongside received 
          i just really don’t like how i’ve structured my writing in the past, but i’m gonna work with it.
          also kinda not happy how i’ve made received go so far ://