
Hello everyone. He has already published the second chapter of the next story which is Freddie's Island. I encourage you to read and comment.


Hey so l have a crazy suggestion for a book.


@FredandGeorge321 All in all, an interesting idea and I will implement it when I have time


And at the airport Freddie asked why she left and she said how she loved him and was scared to admit it so she left and met her dad. At first he was nice so she moved to England with him but when we asked to talk to her old friends he became worse then her mother. He felt to bad for her and kissed her passionately. When they arrived they went to Carly’s apartment, Freddie went first and Sam  surprised Carly. Carly was so happy to see her but she wanted to be with Freddie and didn’t think Sam deserved him.


So you know when Sam goes to the mental hospital. Well what if on the way there she found her dad. At first he was kind to her and she started to live with him in England but then he starts to become like her mum. As she is in England now is can not run away and her safe place is school. Her dad will not let her contact anyone in Seattle. Freddie and Carly are really worried. Freddie sines up for the student change program, even though his mother begged him not to. He ends up going to sam’s school. Her and her new bff make fun of him. But after she calls him frednub he realises that she is Sam. He try’s talking to her but she is always with her boyfriend Jonathan. Jonathan is the biggest bully at the school and his dad is one of the school Governors so he doesn’t get into trouble. Freddie gets mad at Sam saying she changed and she says she had to. After he went to her house to apologise but he found Sam being beaten by her dad. He goes in there and helps Sam but gets hurt in doing so. Freddie takes her to the hospital and that is where they catch up and when the leave the share a passionate kiss. But Sam makes herself pull away as she has to convince herself she loves Jonathan. After that they don’t talk until Freddie only has 2 days left. And on his final school day (he leaves on a Sunday) he goes up to Sam and kisses her. Jonathan try’s to kill him but Sam stops it saying that they are over. When they go to his house they fall asleep watching a film and the next day smuggling,kissing talking,kissing,eating and kissing and snuggling. Sam doesn’t want him to leave but he has to. He persuades Sam to make back to Seattle. After convicting she agrees. Her dad had not been home as every night he was at the bar and in the day with friends getting drunk. They went in a got all of sam’s stuff. She was trying to carry a bag down stairs but Freddie came kissed her and tuck the bag.


Everyone, everyone. I just finished my next book, it still needs some corrections, but wait for more and more chapters of Freddie Leaves. The new book will be about how Freddie went to war, I know there have been a lot of stories here on the wattpad about it, but I assure you there hasn't been one yet. I am very happy that you like my story. greetings