
hi guys, i’ve decided to become an active creator! I run a fan account on instagram called @stay_d0nt_stray and the same handle on twitter! 
          	i’ll be posting stories on here as well soon!


Okay y’all should really read Daddy by WonhaeMonyMony because that book is so good and it’s made me cry many times and its so GOOD! Like the plot is so interesting and unexpected and keeps you hooked and it’s finished now so you can just read all the way through and it’s not them as the band so it’s none of those annoying stereotypes that comes with that and there is just so much amazing-ness in this book I can’t stress how much you need to read it!!!


I’ve just realized how much I comment now.. I’ve been reading on Wattpad since forever but just this year... to be honest just starting in March... I’ve commented and voted a lot! Like I know being an active reader is good but I always felt self conscious or something before. So I guess my anxiety is getting better in that sense? Just kind of rambling so bye