
so apparently Hybe is going to post a BTS and TXT original stories here… unreal.


Please post ;-; I like read 


@NeverEnoughFangirl  I'm so sorry for not posting anything. I've been extremely busy with school work these past few months and haven't really gotten the change to write. I still have a story in development which I hope to start posting soon once I finish writing it. Thank you for your support and I will hopefully update soon. Sorry again *big sad* :(


Dan and Phil coming out during pride month has made 2019 iconic. 
          dan: posts 45 minute long masterpiece of a video that made me cry and laugh and relate so freakin much
          phil: *pops out of closet* herp derp y’all I’m gay 
          Lol jk I love both of them and I couldn’t be more proud!  ;)