
I promise I’m alive and well!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/week/month/year despite the craziness of 2020. I am here for you. Books are a great way to escape reality sometimes so I hope you are all finding time to indulge in new and old hobbies and staying safe always. 


I promise I’m alive and well!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/week/month/year despite the craziness of 2020. I am here for you. Books are a great way to escape reality sometimes so I hope you are all finding time to indulge in new and old hobbies and staying safe always. 


hey bae, would u like to check out my new story Apparition? its a big flop but it would be great of u do it? tysm ily xx (:


@darksidehes I am so sorry for the extreme late reply. I've been very cashed out lately from some emotional family issues but I would love to!!! Please forgive me! All the love xx.