Hello my followers and friends alike! I just wanted to let you know I just entered my thriller-mystery book "If Only She Knew" into the Wattys. Wish me luck, ill need it!
After two years since I've started it, periods where I've abandoned it, lots of editing and lots of imagination consumption and writer's block, I've completed it - The Wattys actually helped motivate me to finish it 10 chapters ago, because I've been wanting to participate last year too.
I want to thank all the people who opened, read, and voted for my book, and all the people who accepted by "read for reads" and thus reviewed my story.
I want to thank, of course, all the people who've reviewed my story and left insight that shaped me up as a writer -within this year I've learned a lot here. I'm thanking of course all the bookclubs mates who helped me with their constructive criticism.
I just want to thank this community for motivating me to write, something which had seemed like a life dream to do as a career to me since I was 13. I'm glad I can write anytime anywhere and combine it with my art.
All the best awesome regards,
Stefania Em