
Hello everyone!
          	Just wanted to say the first chapter of the third book of My 'Mother's Daughter' called 'Monster's Daughter' has officially been published! 
          	The story continues and so far it's gonna be spooky!
          	Hope you enjoy the first chapter. Second chapter to come soon! 
          	For those who don't know the trilogy is as follows...
          	Book 1. My Mother's Daughter 
          	Book 2. My Father's Daughter 
          	Book 3. Monster's Daughter 


Hello everyone!
          Just wanted to say the first chapter of the third book of My 'Mother's Daughter' called 'Monster's Daughter' has officially been published! 
          The story continues and so far it's gonna be spooky!
          Hope you enjoy the first chapter. Second chapter to come soon! 
          For those who don't know the trilogy is as follows...
          Book 1. My Mother's Daughter 
          Book 2. My Father's Daughter 
          Book 3. Monster's Daughter 


Hey everyone,
          If you are new here welcome and thank you for the follow!
          Just wanted to announce that the next Chapter of "Alpha Male" has been posted. 
          If you haven't read the story yet, and love BakuXDeku check it out!
          Have a great weekend everyone!


Hi everyone!
          The next chapter for My Father's Daughter is now out! 
          It's a filler of chapter,  but, BUT it's definitely moving the story to some interesting places. 
          Must read to find out what I mean by that. Haha 
          Anyway have a great week!
          Love Stef 


Hello everyone!
          Chapter 16 of Alpha Male has been posted. A bit of a filler chapter with some spice sprinkled in, and I hope everyone picks up on our special guests identities. 
          Maybe we'll be seeing more of them, but the real question here is who is the last "guest" mentioned ? Any ideas??
          Let me know what you guys think! 
          Have a great rest of the week! 


Hi everyone!
          I'm a little early but posted the next chapter for Alpha Male. Let's just say things took a turn for the steamy... Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.
          Haha alright enough bad puns, enjoy the rest of your weekend. 
          Love Stef


Hello everyone!
          Chapter 22 of My Father's Daughter is finally posted. 
          It's a little on the shorter side than I normally do, and I promise to make it up with a longer chapter next time. But we had some incredible revelations!  (Pun intended haha)
          Check it out!


Hi everyone Chapter 21 for My Father's Daughter is now out!
          Going to rant for a second and I may be overthinking this and over sensitive but I've been in the hospital and had two surgeries in one day so I feel im entitled to be a little annoyed. 
          Due to a comment that's been ringing in my head non stop, I want to say that no one has to read or continue reading my work if you disagree with it or don't like it. You don't even have to say anything you can just move on. I'll be none the wiser and no one gets hurt.
          Sometimes even I don't like the things I'm writing because when we read we want it all to turn out nicely.
           We want our heroes and heroines to live up to their name and save the day but in reality (and I of course use that term loosely because it's fanfiction) they are ordinary people. They make mistakes, they do things that even them as a character probably wouldn't agree with because they are finding a sense of who they are. Who they want to be. It's all about growth and understanding.
          I don't personally put my characters through hell for the fun of it, I want them to learn, and develope and grow. I won't apologize for writing about "tough choices and not understanding feelings and making a different decision than the reader would want" because this is my way of working out things I've done in my own life. Stupid things I've done or said; the good and the bad. 
          I'll finish my rant by saying, Writing isn't always going to go the way you want it to. Just like life, and while we the authors write our own stories; everyone isn't going to experience it the same as you because everyone is different. Just something to keep in mind the next time you want to write that "innocent" comment. 
          I hope you all have a good week, and be nice to each other.