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Woah, hi there. It feels like 2-ish years rather than 2-ish months since I've been active on Wattpad. For the most part, I don't know what happened. The other part however.. No, I didn't acquire a boyfriend sadly, but I digress. I'll give you guys the rough, Stef version of what's been happening though! 1. Started uni early Feb 2. Dropped out early March and have been trying to get my money back 3. Made appointments to see a therapist because I have a lot of shit to say to someone I don't know (thank god) 4. Camping the past 5 days 5. The rest of my friend's turning 18 so you know what that means ;) (kidding, we're not into alcohol much or at all) 6. Quit my job 7. Have 2 new job offers to trial over the next few days! I think that's everything so far, but if I've left anything out it's probably not that interesting anyway. About camping though, it means I haven't showered, touched a phone, been near a flushing toilet, properly brushed my teeth or slept on a mattress that didn't deflate overnight..every night in 5 days. Which is why the shower I had when I got home skyrocketed to a top 10 shower. I can't even express how great it felt to jump on my bed. My beautiful, clean, firm, awesome bed. I'm gonna end up having a dream about my bed no doubt. Anyways, love you long time and I hope the past 2-ish months have treated you well! Stef