
I don’t know if I’m hurt or disappointed. Maybe I don’t feel anything at all . It’s not to much yet not to little . I can’t find the words to describe it . I don’t know what I feel about us . Yet by everything that has happened I understand that you never cared enough . Now you will forever be reminded as a selfish person who never tried to understand me and maybe never loved what we had . 


I don’t know if I’m hurt or disappointed. Maybe I don’t feel anything at all . It’s not to much yet not to little . I can’t find the words to describe it . I don’t know what I feel about us . Yet by everything that has happened I understand that you never cared enough . Now you will forever be reminded as a selfish person who never tried to understand me and maybe never loved what we had . 


"A tragedy , when a mature mind and a romantic heart are in the same body."


@stelna zemra eshte e pabese so just trust your intuition and dont think it twice


@madsadcherry Yeppp that's right .  Eshte tragjedi sepse dashuria per personin tjeter eshte e forte dhe zemra e di kete , por dashuria per veten duhet te jete akoma me e forte dhe truri e di kete . Dmth kjo shprehja eshte per disa situata te caktuara ku duhet te zgjedhesh midis zemres dhe trurit. 


@stelna por eshte si te thuash ti do pica po e di qe brumerat ste bejne mire dhe vendos jo, ne keta rast ruan veten e per mendimin tim sduhet te duash asgje me shume se veten


How do you understand when youre in love? Or what makes the difference between love and obsession?


@iosonofarfallalunare I read it somewhere, that wanting the best for someone even if it's not with you it's love . And wanting to be with that person even if it will hurt them it's obsession.


@stelna that's a great question. i need the answer as well 


I just posted my first story.  Hidhini nje sy . Shpresoj t'ju pelqeje.  ❤️


@MaNniE00 Ahahahaha se di nese do te kete .  Eshte puna ime e pare te cilen e pashe te denje per ta postuar , por nuk e di nese te tjeret do te mendojne njesoj . Nevertheless thank u for your support ❤️


@stelna can't wait too see how much views this story will take ❤️