Hey there! If you like fantasy books or books about prophecies and magic or adventures across mystical realms, then you might want to check out my ongoing fantasy-romance, “Fire and Bone.” If those seem like things you’re interested in, click the link below and check it out.
Many people will walk in and
Out of your life,
But only true friends
Will leave footprints in your heart.
~Eleanor Roosevelt
LisaTerence #lovedaymovement@majesticincawards
“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
When ever you feel angry, always remember that it is your day you are spoiling.
Happiness is a choice, and not something that is given.
So, put a smile on that wonderful face of yours and live life to the fullest.
Dralaq @dralaq@MajesticIncAwards#lovedaymovement